Though the body is small
it takes the whole spirit to inhabit
its dimensions
for a person to be whole
to be connected to this earth
this world of winds
this horizon
so far from heaven
You've come from so far
now you must unhitch your wings
and take the sting out from
beside your shoulders
fall into this new life
with the resounding sound
of whale songs
like thunder
come on home
newly found this land
of quickening rivers
and unturned stones
the objects in my bag are
of no use here
where the sky is the only place
to lay things down
where the wind is the only voice
alive for long enough to know
your song
i carry you with me
your body a little cricket-worth of weight
a river rock rubbed smooth and shiny
the gift we all arrive here for;
the treasure too big for a pocket
too small for the world
so i protect you
with my big heart
like a giant bird; alert
while we navigate this new place
you coo little dove
you blossom
you bloom
you carry such sweet love
enough to fill the sky with
when you lay it down
newly found this land
of night time feasts
and moonlit days
there are no objects that will guide us
but the beating of the little heart
beside it's mother
is the path
lit with the blessing of the stars
the time it takes to change a diaper
and to nurse for sustainance and to nurse for comfort
the time it takes to inspect a toe
or to watch the rise and fall of a tiny chest
the time it takes for sleep to become hunger and for satiety to become sleep
the time it takes for another day to have passed, certainly not 24 hours!
the time it takes for the rash to arrive and then to heal?
the time it takes for the eyes to open
for the umbilical cord to dry and fall away from the belly button
for the face to change again and again...
the time it takes before the first bath the first time outside the first walk to the mailbox the first...
the time it takes to know each expression, each turn of the wrist each stretch and yawn and quiver of lips
the time it takes to feel comfortable in the shower without her or even brushing teeth or having a simple, tiny little pee...
the time that evaporates and the time that extends
the time we made love and made this little person
who we love and who we admire and respect and enjoy...
the time that passes while i feel sad
the time that feels overwhelming
the time that feels like joy in bloom
the time little fingers curl around big fingers or find my chest or fall like butterflies against my ribcage...
the time spent thinking about all the other things i could/should be doing
the time spent being completely present and enjoying exactly what i'm doing
the time spent preparing and the time spent winging it
time in and out of the zone
the time zone of new baby
the heart zone of new time
I can see already that any illusions I had about blogging and projects and (brushing my teeth) are on temporarary as time allows status.
I will do my best to share the cute, sweet love but please know that silence is no indication of anything other than an adjustment to this new time.
My god, even though I knew I'd love this little tiny girl, I never knew it was possible to love this much!!!
i want to be alone with you
no crowds no other voices
some day soon
we'll touch again
we'll drown out all the other noises
i sit and miss the way your hair moves
just a little in the breeze
the home you've never known
my arms are wide
to tend to all your needs
and there's a little space
a little time left
in between the place of growing
and the place of showing us your face
in between us there's a small dark path
if we both start moving we will meet at last
i want to see the sky with you
follow your eyes to the farthest star
where you've been, we'll go again
on wings and things
made from the finest in my heart
i lay here dreaming
of your palm, the size of petals
sweet as early summer's roses bloom
your cheek a magic picture window
your breathing, filling up the room
but there's still a little space
a little time left
in between the place of growing
and the place of showing us your face
in between us there's a small dark path
now if we both start moving we will meet at last
is what the rain says
though the skylight leaks
below the new roof
into the room
and my breath feels stuck
inside my chest at midnight
come on, breathe!
call for help in morning
after rest
before the farmers market
and the swimming pool
there's another side to this
somewhere near
it's dry enough for fireworks
someone out there found a way
to dodge the downpour
and send out
a spark
is what the rain sings
take this opportunity to practice
giving time and space
to all that enters
making room
for what comes next
waking moon
you wield your light like fierce weaponry
burning down the wall
interrogating me with questions
i cannot answer
crazy making moon
i'm with you, as if in shackles
bound by tired mind
a rambling din of voices
like strings on a puppet
tethered to your swollen glow
Help me to spill
to open up into the sea of sleeping
where on other nights
you calmly watch
your soft eyes
collecting dreams
let go and move the oceans
there is time
beneath your craggy surface
take a breath
and let us rest
before the sun comes
waking moon
your perfect circle is a tunnel
crazy making moon
show me your other hand
the one who's fingers soothe
who's palm
against my eyelids
quiets the dawn