Friday, October 30, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009

(Mac, your sting ray experience nearly destroyed me! I was deeply concerned about the whole thing but figured it was best not to throw my fears into the mix:)) I'm so glad you survived!!!!
two things beautiful that make me smile just to think of them and make me so happy to have them on my body/in my home.
The first is a pendant that was made by a jeweler who's work I am always in awe of. The top is a shard found here in New Mexico at a ruin that until a few years ago was mostly unknown. The bottom is a shard from an ancient roman drain pipe found at Pompeii. Two small things picked up from the dust and now preserved with reverence. It feels like forever in both directions around my neck!
The second is a painting that was given to me by a dear friend. He is someone who's work is always unusual, even when he's painting perfectly captured landscapes... I sometimes model for him and we usually trade for artwork. This time, when he offered me One Windy Day (otherwise known to me as The Long Neck Girl) instead of a long lost commission I could not have been happier! I absolutely love it so much!!!
Jono has been wearing a pendant that another jeweler friend made and accidently left up at the studio. When Jono told him he'd left it there (Jerry) told him to wear it because it would attract prosperity and abundance. The afternoon Jono put it on he received a tax return check, we were taken out to dinner and the next day we were taken out to the movies. Today, day three, I had this incredible day of bounty...
Prosperity and abundance, We'll take it!!!!!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
born from flowers
were born from flowers
initially at least
back then when
storms were earthly showers
for roots and leaves
a drop into a puddle
into streams and lakes
a flower bending down to have a taste
the first lips, the first tongue
the first sip, the first face
then wanting more
the first arms
to bathe the first cheeks
the first breath
the first trembling of knees...
could it be that we
uncurled our leaves
initially at least
that we smiled from
the center of our petals
that we got our wings
by drinking from the sea
Sunday, October 11, 2009
doughnut cake party

Anyhow I tried to go for full on penetration but couldn't figure out how to support the upper body in a fully edible manner so settled for this instead. Kind of busy and hard to read visually (particularly in a photo). Maybe should have gone for a chocolate doughnut bed for better contrast. But you get the idea...
Friday, October 9, 2009
Sharon's birthday
The other night we went to a REALLY FUN party with delicious food, nice, happy people and almost spontaneous music (only not spontaneous because people brought instruments just in case...). This is how I fantasize my home being. Lots of creative people stopping by, always a big enough pot of food on the stove, community, music, enjoyment!
That's Sharon, sitting on her bass & tuning her mandolin. I love that image!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
ps- the pic of Finley is the best. i hadn't noticed before how the two people in the background are perfectly framed inside the diamonds of the fence. and of course, the face the smile the cookie love is simply divine! & the google eyes too...
Monday, October 5, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009

trees are mostly made of air
sometimes water sometimes wood
of nests birds and flowering fruits
until the winter when they're bare
birds are mostly made of light
sometimes feather sometimes song
a morning tune a hollow bone
against the sky when they're in flight
the sky is mostly made of breath
sometimes blue sometimes gold
of inhales, exhales, lover's swoon
the rumbling thunder warmth of death
death is mostly made of dreams
sometimes nightmare sometimes sweet
from which we wake toward where we lean
collected memory falling leaves
leaves that fall are made of time
sometimes dull sometimes divine
seasons round the sea of seconds
life's most cruel and simple crime
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Daily practice...

I finally did it. I asked for a gallery show and I got it... MAY.
Every day I make a 2x2 drawing . Some come out good, some come out.... really RED!
By March or April I'll select ten of these little drawings to enlarge and add collage/other embellishments to. For now this is my daily practice. Inspired or not I make a 2x2 and I've found it to be very interesting. I figure that in 6 months I should be able to come up with 10 images that I like enough to work more on but I think the real project will be the 6 month diary of images. At least for me anyway! & they're really fun to do...
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