I spent the morning raking up dead winter leaves
where underneath was little green
and promises
of pink, yellow, purple, red...
I actually got hot enough to take my sweater off .
*click on pics to spot the drama!
-the dream of finding your way through the maze of a dungeon back in to the sunlight...
**eating outside/planting a garden/walking again/ feeling social-being social/bbqs/fruit on the trees/water from the hose making rainbows in the sun/ wearing skirts and summer dresses/light into the evening/flowers, flowers & more flowers/ open doors and open windows...
-the dream of unfolding an endless slip of curry-colored raw silk against a blue sky.
I filled 5 0r 6 bags with gray and brown and damp and dead and uncovered little gardens. Early flowers just beginning ...
* There are some of you I missed so much this morning because the joy I felt made me remember!
-the dream of counting seeds and carrying pouches of fragrant herbs across the desert?
-the dream of knowing you'll be born long before the sperm meets the egg.
-the dream of song. and dance!