I have a friend who is a documentary film maker. A few years ago, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She decided to document her entire process and has wound up with a lot of material. She's gotten to the point where she needs help with funding to be able to move forward with the project and came up with the beginnings of an idea to help make it happen. Phase 1: A group of woman got together to make breast prints which will be used for various fundraising projects...
Phase 2: I come up with an idea for project number one...
There is no specific phase 3 at this point, but it's a thought process well under way!
I may add more info. at a later date and call for ideas, input, contributions etc. but my friend felt like we aren't quite ready for that yet.
Lots to think about!
around here, boobs are most definitely family friendly, quite G, and this project is great...I am interested in its evolution and how I can participate...